All TEAMHP members arrive from the internal networks of the founding members or the so-called "Core Group".


I. Membership Criteria

a)-Letter of Reference: In order to become a member you would need a letter of reference from the Core Group members

-You may apply directly if you are a student or Alumni of the following Universities

University of Pecs,Ohio University, Case Western Reserve University,University of Toledo,University of Washington,Washington University,University of Amsterdam,HAN University of Applied Sciences, Bucks New University,Middlesex University, University of New England,University of Griefswald, Ursuline College,Indiana University of Pennsylvania,Penn State,European Global University,Ryerson University,Southern New Hampshire University, University of Denver, University of Montana, University of Texas, Fairlegh Dickinson University, Illinois Institute of Technology,Clayton State University,University of Florida,University of Aberdeen,University of Cambridge, University of Botswana, University of Milan,Istanbul Technical University, Izmir University of Technology,Southern New Hamphsire University,University of West Bohemia,Agricultural University of Nitra,Eindhoven University of Technology,Maastricht University,University of Edinburgh,University of Groningen,University of Turku, University of Tampere,University of Helsinki, Capilano University,University of Gothenburgh,Uppsala University,Malmo University,Karlstad University,Chalmers University of Technology, Jönköping University, University of Oslo, Economics University of Bratislava,University of Timisoara,Babes Bolyai University,University of Cluj Napoca

-You may apply directly if you are affiliated to the following organizations and networks:

AmCham Hungary,Budapest Start Up Hub,Snohomish County Health Leadership Coalition,Global Hungarian Development Panel, Hungarian American Diaspora, Hungarian Canadian Diaspora,WHO,IOM, Ohio Health, Cleveland Clinic System,CDC, ECDC,Baptist Integration Center, Simonyi Center Sustainable Development Solutions, Farmer Frog Network,Instituto de Salud Rural, EUPHA,NAKMI, CEDEL Haiti,Jump Start, TEAM NEO,Global Cleveland,Mansfield and Associates, NEST Co., 3E Technologies, The Blue Economy Network, Healthy Ageing 50+ project, Korprofil Network

b)-Owning a change project idea or existing service : All members own at least one service or at least one  project idea that they are willing to pursue via the platform

These  can be in any field and from any sector . TEAMHP uses a Project Feasibility Benchmark and Impact Assessment Tool in line with the SDGs2030 indicators

c)-Willing to raise funds, participate in tenders,generate profits through the platform: All members are willing to participate in at least one fund raising or one tender application or one profit generating activity

d)- Willing to participate in Networking, Coalition Building and International Exchange Activities: All members are willing to participate in at least one theme based commitee , has found at least one collaboratiing partner, and has found at least one activity centered around developing Networks, Building Communities of Practice as well as participation in International Exchange programs for building global think tanks,helping policy making evidence based through research and advocacy, co-creation and joint training and learning activities, circular innovation and circular mobility activities

e)-Willing to sign TEAMHP's Charter and accept the Declaration


II.The Benefits of Participation in general terms


1)-Becoming an integral part of Multi-Industry Healthcare Reform for Quality of Life and Sustainable Well-being internationally

Regardless of your profession, industry and sector of origin you are able to commercialize and offer your services ,increase your social impact and social participation and above all contribute to the Well-being and Sustainability of your networks and communities .This will take place within the context of the knowledge based multi-sectoral governance of healthcare systems which is in line with the most recent Directives of WHO,IOM,EUPHA,NAKMI and  UN's SDG 2030 goals emphasizing the significance and advantages of the Global Partnership Development platforms for the sustainability of healthcare systems  towards the Quality of Life and Sustainable Well-Being 

2)- Access to Networks and Social Capital :Through the platform you gain access to multiple stakeholders increasing not only your bargaining power, timely access to best practices and knowledge but also widening  the spectrum of access to expertise, raw material, technology, finances,markets and channels, information which may help you in reaching your day to day and long term goals, design and manage commercializable programs, better quality research, trade your technology,services and expertise

3)- Building a reliable reference through joining activities 

Regardless of your sector of origin and life cycle stage you are able to receive and offer knowledge , build additional references, reinforce your brand and image, not least of all continuously strengthen your financial posture,innovation capacity and social/market/industry footprint

The Department of Operational Medicine of the University of Pécs has joined forces with HLMDI (Health Leadership and Management Development  Institute) in the of areas creating and commercializing consultation/coaching packages, training and research programs addressing migration and integration 

III. The Charter of TEAMHP

The membership Candidates are required to sign the following "CHARTER text" which is in turn acknowledged , registered and confirmed by the "Membership and Strategic Partnerships Committee"


The   Charter of the TEAMHP


I, ___________________________the undersigned would like to express my interest in becoming a member of the TEAMHP and to indicate my full support for the general cause , mission and goals envisioned in this charter through my signature.


My signature (does, does not) indicate my support based on my current position at the organization(s) I’m serving .This is to announce my gratitude in becoming a member of the TEAMHP Transnational Network


I share the cause of  the foundation of the  First European American Migration Health Platform (FEAMHP:TEAMHP as of December 18th ,2017) which embraces the principles of knowledge-based synergy building amongst the key stakeholders in the field of “ Migration Health” beginning with the promotion of the field related joint research, joint educational programs and professional community-building events, systematic sharing of best practices, ideas, innovation and resources .


The formation of successful Multi-Sectoral Trans-Atlantic Coalitions namely : ”The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI)” signals the importance of Transatlantic collaborations for the impactful management of  Migration Health related concerns and within this field the area of Mental Health which TEAMHP hopes to embrace as a priority side by side with Epidemics.


I recognize that Migration Health is an economy-wide, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral field which may benefit  from a professionally inclusive and community- driven  governance approach that aims at catalyzing across the fields of expertise and one which supports synergistic policy making involving and empowering all key stakeholders through facilitating systematic participation of the private , public,  and third sectors at the rural, national, international and global levels.


This is also to emphasize that the inclusive model of TEAMHP’s governance may should be paying separate attention to fostering “Circular and Transnational Migration” with particular attention to the inclusion and involvement of the “Diaspora Communities” in order to achieve higher resilience in approaching the question of integration at level of the rural and national sub-systems as well as the transatlantic  and global systems


I support TEAMHP’s  genuine mission in adopting EUPHA’s policy guidelines, and in serving the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 and the 17 indicators depicted there-in with prior attention to the third goal  which emphasizes “promoting well-being for all at all ages” and “ensuring healthy lives” as well as the 6 goals which are directly linked to migration listed here-below.


Goal (17) :  Global Partnerships

Goal (16): Peaceful and Inclusive Societies with separate attention to (16.2)

                 ‘trafficking of children’, 'inclusion of the elderly'

Goal (10): Reduced Inequality with a focus on serving (10.7.) Orderly Migration ,

                (10.c.)Migrant Remittances, 

Goal  (9): Inclusive Industrial Infrastructural Development , Innovation

Goal (8): Employment and Decent work with a focus on (8.7.) End Modern Slavery including Trafficking and (8.8) Migrant Worker Rights

Goal (5): Gender Equality with a separate attention to (5.2.) Trafficking of Women and Girls

Goal (4): Education with a special emphasis on student mobility and scholarships


The above goals are directly influenced by other areas enlisted here-below which should be included in the scope of attention

Goal (1) Eradication of Poverty

Goal (11) Sustainable Cities ,Health Cities and Regions

Goal (13) Climate Change


In line with  the Declaration of  the Drafting Committee of the FEAMHP’s  first event in the city of Pécs (TEAMHP as of December 18th,2017)as well as the Action Plan items suggested there-in I’d like express my interest for participating in the planned events of the “Executive Board”  either virtually or physically .

This is to also express my support for the TEAMHP hosting, coordinating and management role of the Health Leadership and Management Development Institute (HLMDI) during the interim period .

I’d appreciate receiving information and updates through the contact details brought here-below:



















  • The SDGs 2030



  • The CEPI 

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), backed by the governments of Germany, Japan and Norway with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have committed an initial $460 million to “outsmart epidemics” . 

  • Bill Gates has pledged to invest $100 million into research to find a breakthrough for Alzheimer's disease committing  an initial $50 million investment into a venture capital fund,  Dementia Discovery Fund, that finances new treatments for the degenerative condition. This is due to be followed up by another $50 million investment in start-up ventures working in research on Alzheimer’s, which currently has no cure[1].
  • CEPI is an innovative partnership between public, private, philanthropic and civil organisations. It was founded by the governments of India and Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and the World Economic Forum. Other partners include multinational pharmaceutical corporations, the World Health Organization and NGOs.

    CEPI is supported by several leading pharmaceutical companies with strength in vaccines – GSK, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Sanofi and Takeda, plus the Biotechnology Innovation Organisation. CEPI will draw on this deep expertise in vaccine research and development to its efforts. Companies have been developing different models to respond to CEPI’s forthcoming request for proposal, for example providing scientific expertise and vaccine development and manufacturing capabilities.


    Financial contributions

    • The Norwegian Government are preparing for an investment of NOK 1Billion (currently around $120m) for the initial 5 year period.
    • The Government of Japan will invest around $25m a year, equivalent to $125M in 5 years.
    • The Federal Government of Germany has announced an initial commitment of €10m (around $10.6m) in 2017, and is planning to allocate additional funds over 5 years. 
    • Wellcome and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will each invest $100m over 5 years.
    • The Government of India is one of the founders of CEPI and is currently finalizing the level of a significant funding commitment.
    • The European Commission will also contribute to CEPI's objectives and plans to co-fund actions with CEPI, such as through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).
